Pet owners don’t fully understand how to take care of their pets and many dogs and cats end up obese or develop other medical issues as a result.
Petscape aims to educate pet owners on how to manage their dog or cat’s food, weight, activity and more in order to prevent malnourishment or conditions such as obesity.
Here are some final walkthroughs of my app concept as well as the main frames. You can click on the button above to see a preview of the app in your browser!
As far as ideation and the beginning stages, a lot of work went into research. I conducted surveys, held individual user testing sessions, researched pet obesity statistics, analyzed existing products, read competitor reviews, read various pet owner resource articles, and studied the Samsung Health app. Using this research, I created user personas, flow charts, and started to really flesh out my concept on an Invision board.
Then, I continued to refine my concept on Adobe XD, using the numerous suggestions from my user testing sessions to push the idea forward.
Petscape is overall one of my favorite projects for both the message behind it as well as the final product I created. The dog in the frames is actually my dog Princess, as she was the inspiration for my concept. If only she knew it all started with her!

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