I am in an interracial relationship and I often use my love for my partner as creative inspiration. Equality means a lot to me and I hope that one day, true equality will exist. Sadly, there is still so much social stigma surrounding race and interracial relationships (among other things).
For this project, I wanted to make a cute little reminder that "it doesn't matter if you're black or white." Love is love no matter the race, and neither those in the relationship or the people around them should question that.
After choosing the song "Black or White" by Michael Jackson, I created the storyboard seen above. This allowed me to thoroughly plan my project before completing it in Adobe After Effects. I used the limited palette of black, white, and then gray to further demonstrate my message. From the start, the colors black and white are completely separate, even though they interact with each other. In the end, both colors join together to show the viewer that the two sides do not have to be separate after all.

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